Séminaire ENS - 10 février 2022


If you want to attend in person, please fill the following registration form:


A Sanitary Pass will be requested to enter the Amphitheater Jaurès

 The seminar will be also accessible online at : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81520058748?pwd=VXVkalBFR0Z3Rm5CeU54NnEwYzZlQT09

 Thursday February 10th at 11 am

ENS, Salle Jaurès, 29, Rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris

 Adventures in Metalloprotein Design:

Enhancing Cu Based Enzymatic Catalysis

Pr. Vincent L. Pecoraro

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA

E-mail: vlpec@umich.edu

Séminaire ENS - 10 février 2022